2025 Festival of the Fish Royalty Pageant Application

The goal of the Vermilion Festival of the Fish Royalty Pageant is to find young ladies and gentlemen to represent Vermilion at civic functions and local events. The ideal candidate should be typical for his or her age, very natural in conduct and attire, with a pleasing personality and character. The pageant’s aim is to recognize and appreciate the individual gifts and talents of the contestants and give them immediate goals to achieve. We hope that the contestants will gain poise, confidence, make new friends, practice good sportsmanship, gain public speaking skills, and take pride in their success and accomplishments. We want them to enjoy their pageant experience to the fullest.

There will be practices and activities scheduled to help the contestants (and parents) be the best they can be.

Parents/guardians must read and sign the following information:

Age Requirements: Age groups are assigned based on the contestant's age on the day of the pageant. The pageant director/Vermilion Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to cancel, change, or combine age groups due to a lack of participation.

Residency Requirements: Contestants must have been residing within Vermilion, Ohio, for the past six months and currently.

Rules and Regulations: When participating in any activity associated with the OFEA Festival of the Fish Pageant, you will be under the jurisdiction of the pageant director(s)/Chamber of Commerce.

All applications must be signed and returned with the sponsor fee by May 25th, 2025.

Discipline problems will not be tolerated. If adherence to the rules and regulations becomes a problem, it will be at the discretion of the pageant director(s) and the chamber committee to eliminate the offender's participation in the pageant.

Unsportsmanlike conduct by either the contestant or parent/guardian may result in the disqualification of the contestant.

Unsportsmanlike conduct is considered to be any act contrary to the generally understood principles of sportsmanship and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Disrespectful behavior toward other persons involved directly or indirectly with the pageant.
  • Propagation of rumors about any other person involved directly or indirectly with the pageant.
  • Verbal or physical attacks against any other person involved directly or indirectly with the pageant.
  • Dishonesty regarding information provided to pageant officials.
  • Any disputes concerning the outcome of the pageant must be brought directly to the pageant director and/or Chamber of Commerce and not discussed with the pageant winner in question, the pageant winner's family members, or anyone else, including judges or other personnel in attendance.

If disqualification becomes necessary, the sponsorship fee will not be returned to the sponsor or participant.

Appropriate dress attire will be required at all events at all times.

No smoking, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or off-color language will be tolerated.

No contestant may be married, pregnant, or the parent of a child. A royal participant who becomes pregnant or gets married during his or her reign shall relinquish their title, crown, banner, prizes, and any awarded monies to the first runner-up.

Appropriate attire should be worn for all activities when representing.

Attendance Requirements: Vermilion Festival of the Fish winners at any incoming title shall reserve time to celebrate their incoming reign at the following events: Vermilion Festival of the Fish 2025, Vermilion Woollybear 2025, 3 Third Thursday events, 1 “Wine Walk,” 1 Vermilion Ice Affair, and 5 neighboring festivals (which will be shared with you), concluding with the 2026 passing of their reign to the 2026 Vermilion Festival of the Fish Royal Court.

Permission and Waiver for Participation: In applying to enter and participate in the Festival of the Fish Pageant, permission is hereby granted for _______________ to participate in the pageant and activities associated with the pageants (rehearsals, outings, etc.) and for the use of pictures and the name of the contestant for the use of advertising Vermilion OFEA events. I/We hereby waive and release all rights and claims for damage which I/We may have against you, arising from conditions related to the use of the grounds or any area designated for use by the Vermilion OFEA events.

Each of the undersigned agrees that the foregoing release waiver holds harmless and indemnifies the Festival of the Fish OFEA and/or City of Vermilion, all sponsors and involved organizations or persons, including directors, officers, owners, possessors, operators, employees, and agents.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Contestant Signature ________________
Parent Signature _______________________

Parent/guardian signing indicates the other parent/guardian has full knowledge of the conditions of this waiver and is in agreement with the terms therein.

Contestant's Name: _________________________________________

Age: ________

Title applying for:

$20 registration fee

____ Mini Mr/Miss (3-5 yrs)
____ Mr. & Miss Guppy (6-8 yrs)
____ Jr. Mr. & Miss (9-11 yrs)
____ Prince & Princess (12-15 yrs)

$100 Sponsorship fee

____ Queen & King (16-18 yrs)

Birth Date: _______________

School Attending: ______________________
Grade: _______________

Street Address: _______________________

City: __________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ____________

Parent's Name: _________________________

Parent's Phone Number: ________________

Parent's Email: _________________________

Please list three or more of her favorite things to do:

Please state what the contestant currently wants to be when he/she grows up:






For Kings and Queens Only

Sample sponsor letter:

To whom it may concern,

Hello! My name is _______________ and I am competing in the 59th annual Miss Vermilion King/Queens Pageant as part of the 2025 Vermilion Festival of the Fish. The Miss Vermilion Pageant will help me gain interview and presentation skills and provide the opportunity to win scholarship money! In order to compete, I am in need of a $100 business sponsor that I will represent during the pageant on Friday, June 13th. The pageant will provide a sash for me to wear that has your business name on it. Your business name will also be said a few times during the pageant and will appear in the Photojournal under my name as my sponsor. I would appreciate your consideration in becoming my sponsor and look forward to representing your business this year!




If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Blackmon at 440-320-4423 or by email at vermilionfestivalroyalty@gmail.com.


Fields marked with an * are required.

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Title applying for

$20 registration fee

 ____ Mini Mr/Miss (3-5 yrs)                             

_____Mr & Miss Guppy (6-8 yrs) 

_____Jr Mr & Miss (9-11 yrs)

_____ Prince & Princess (12-15 yrs)

$100 Sponsorship fee 

_____ Queen & King (16-18 yrs)

Mini Mr/Mini (3-5 yrs) $20 Registration Fee
Mr & Miss Guppy (6-8 yrs) $20 Registration Fee
Jr Mr & Miss (9-11 yrs) $20 Registration Fee
Prince & Princess (12-15 yrs) $20 Registration Fee
Queen & King (16-18 yrs) $100 Sponsorship Fee

By typing your name your are stating that what is within this application is true and complete to the best of your knowledge and hereby type name as signature.

By typing your name your are stating that what is within this application is true and complete to the best of your knowledge and hereby type name as signature.