2024 Woollybear Parade Application

Parade Date: Sunday September 29th, 2024

Parade Assembly: 10:30 a.m.           Parade Start: 1:30 p.m.

 Parade beginning location: Line-up information will be EMAILED after September 15th, 2024

  Parade Route length: Approximately one (1) mile

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

A $100 fee is assessed to political entries.  You will be invoiced for this fee via email

** Celebrity cars and/or trucks are requested to drive Fox 8 personalities and guest of FOX8 in the parade.  Assignments are made once we know the total number of cars we have, their seating capacity and the final number of guests.


*** You must contact the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce if you will be bringing a bus so parking arrangements can be made a head of time.  There will be no parking available at parade line-up.

Please Answer the following Questions

Please check one of the boxes 

Please indicate how many Cars or Trucks or both you will have 

Waiver and Release of Liability

Participation in the Woollybear Parade and related Festival to be held on Sunday, September 29th, 2024  (hereinafter “Events”) shall be at Participant’s own risk.

I/we hereby understand, voluntarily agree and choose to accept any and all risks, including bodily/personal injury, property damage, and/or other damages which I/we may incur or cause a third party to incur as a result of my/our active and/or passive participation in the Events.

I/we assume on behalf of ourselves, successors, assigns, heirs, executors, and administrators, and any other person or entities who/which may have a claim based on my/our personal injuries and/or property damage, full responsibility for all risks, and any injuries and damages associated with the Events, and agree not to bring against, and do hereby waive, release and discharge the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce and parade/festival committee members, Fox TV8, as well as their respective departments, representatives, members, officers, officials, agents, volunteers and employees (hereinafter “Releasees”), from any and all claims, demands, damages, right or causes of action present or future, know or unknown, resulting from the undersigned’s participation in the Event. 

Parade Unit General Rules and Guidelines  

Entry Selection

 All parade entries are by invitation only and subject to approval by the Woollybear Parade Committee.  All units are encouraged to adapt the Woollybear theme using black and orange colors in their entry.  Units should be memorable and can be inspirational, educational, and entertaining.  The Woollybear Parade will not be used as a platform for special interests.

Types of Entries Considered for the Woollybear Parade

Marching Musical Units:  School Bands, Drum Corp and Independent Bands

Vehicles:  Antique, specialty vehicles, vehicle pulling float, vehicle carrying Festival royalty and motorcycles.

Specialty Units:  Drill and Dance Teams, Baton Corps, Majorette, Scouts, clowns, etc.

Walking/cycling Participants:  Animals, Bicycles, Tricycles and Wagons are encouraged to decorate their non-motorized vehicles prior to the parade in the Woollybear theme.

Animals:  We encourage you to dress or decorate your animal in the Woollybear theme.  (Must provide own refuse clean up).

Floats:  Professional or amateur

Celebrity Vehicle: Cars and/or trucks are requested to drive Fox 8 personalities and invited guests in the parade.  Assignments are made once we know the total number of cars we have, their seating capacity and the final number of guests.

Parade Information

Forward Motion Parade

All entries are required to maintain a continuous forward motion during the parade.

Take parade route length [approximately one (1) mile] into consideration and have back-up transportation for younger participants who may get tired and potentially slow down the parade.

Parade officials may change pace or stop forward motion to maintain suitable space between entries.

Each parade unit and groups are required to follow their requests to speed up or slow down.

Identification Signs:  Identification banners are encouraged for entries in the parade.

Cancellation Policy:  The parade always takes place rain, shine, snow, hail, or sleet.  We have had it all and the parade still goes on.  If for some unforeseen reason your unit is not able to participate in the parade after being accepted, please contact the parade coordinator three days or more in advance.

Parade Day:  Entries absent on parade day without proper notification may not receive future invitations to the parade.

Entry Application Form:  The entry application form must be completed and signed with the understanding of the general rules and guidelines. Incomplete entry forms will not be accepted.  Failure to abide by these rules and guidelines may result in the unit’s removal from the parade and jeopardize future invitations.

Additional Rules

No throwing of favors, candy, handouts, literature or promotional items.

                This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS as spectators (particularly children) will run out into the road to retrieve favors or handouts and could be struck by a moving vehicle.  This is a serious liability factor, one that has resulted in injuries in other major parades.  If a unit is in violation of this rule, it will be removed from the parade immediately.  You may walk up and directly hand favors, candy, handouts, literature or promotional items to an individual along the parade route.

No spraying of water or other liquids from units.

                This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!  This is a serious liability factor, one that could result in personal injury or property damage.

No persons hanging or riding on top of vehicles.

                This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!  This is a serious liability factor that could result in personal injury.  If a unit is in violation of this rule, it will be removed from the parade immediately.

No alcoholic beverages

                Alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed on any participant or in any vehicle.  Participants consuming alcohol prior to or during the parade will be removed from the line of march.


No smoking on or around floats at anytime.

The Woollybear Parade staff reserves the right to reject a participant at any time.  All decisions are final.

Vehicle Drivers

                Driver must posses a valid driver’s license and be at least 18 years of age.

 NOTE:  Parade line-up information will be emailed to you. If you have questions, contact the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce info@vermilionohio.com

In fifty words or less, please provide a description/information about your entry that will be broadcasted.