For Students 13-18
Your child has expressed an interest in helping at the Annual Festival of the Fish our goal is to help our local students earn some extra money at festival time, or obtain their school-required Community Service hours. If working for pay, the Chamber will pay $10 per hour. We do require that parents agree with the students working during festival hours and release the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce from any liability 6 am-11:30 pm. We ask that students wear clothes that can get dirty. They will be issued a volunteer shirt from the Chamber to wear during festival work. Students will report directly to the Chairman of the Festival of the Fish Doug Keith Jr. while on festival grounds. If students are not working well with others or become unruly they will be asked to leave and will forfeit any and all pay for that day. Workers will be assigned to work one or more of the following days June 13,14,15,16th 2024. The form must be filled out completely. PLEASE NOTE THAT CHECKS ARE MAILED WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF THE FESTIVAL COMPLETION. CHECKS EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS PLEASE CASH CHECKS IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING AS WE WILL NOT RE ISSUE CHECKS FOR LATE DEPOSIT.
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